Hi, I’m Cameron.

I’m a Tarot Reader, Reiki Master Level & Spiritually Conscious Creative.

I empower heart-centered seekers to transform challenge into possibility and realize their highest potential to create a life filled with meaning, authenticity and love — by reconnecting to the wisdom of their intuition and Spirit.

I'm a former Designer & Trend Specialist who left the lure of a successful Fashion career to heal from corporate burn-out, reclaim my voice and help others do the same.

I'm a Writer, Tarot Reader, Reiki Master, plant-based Nutritional Counselor and all around Spiritual Creative.

I believe the world needs more love, kindness and compassion - so I'm here, happily doing my part.

You can find me sharing about my love for Spirit, the awesome power of your intuition and the importance of a regulated nervous system in the journal.

Find out why I left the mainstream for the metaphysical here.

Ready for a Reading?

Readings are co-created in a space of trust, possibility and vision.

We look at where you are versus where you want to be - and use the wisdom of Tarot as the navigational system.

We invite in your Spirit to deliver messages of clarity, guidance and love — recognized by you through synchronicity, inner-knowing, or physical sensations.

The cards will guide us to shift between the practical and spiritual aspects of your life to reveal how your internal and external worlds are intertwined in unseen ways.

I orient you to the future so you can see and embrace your natural powers of co-creation.


Virtual Workshop + Activity Book

Join me in this virtual class where we’ll review the cycles of the past year, the energetic invitation of the current year and the unfolding vision for the future.

This experience offers practical ways of working with spiritual concepts for introspection, growth and personal development.

Release the past, embrace the present and plan for future potentials with this Audio + Activity Book offering.

Create what you most desire by reconnecting with the truth — that you are a powerful being, in an ever-expanding state of becoming.

Tarot for Expansion

My Philosophy

We live in a culture that seeks keeps us overworked, over-stimulated, over-obligated and undervalued.  Some of us are managing the effects of personal and generational trauma. Others of us are are doing our best under the many layers of systemic oppression.  We end up too busy, too exhausted, or feeling too undeserving to figure out how to dream of the life we want - let alone create it.

The Tarot offers us a different vibration; a quieter and calmer space of reconnection.  We step into the current of receptivity which runs counter to the action and productivity that’s normally expected of us.

We open ourselves to guidance that’s bigger than our personal perspective. We allow for an expansion - a stretching of ourselves and our belief systems.   We connect with the truth - that we can live our dreams into existence.

Tarot readings open us to a dimension beyond our rational mind. We tune into the symbolism and energetic archetypes that are known to our subconscious.  I read Tarot by allowing this information to move through me. 

My ongoing personal process of healing has allowed me to understand the importance of safe spaces.  Compassion and love are at the core of my practice.   My readings are nurturing, supportive, affirming and honest.

Learn to fall in love with who you already are.  Create what you most desire by reconnecting with the truth - that you are a powerful being, in an ever expanding state of becoming.

Wondering if a reading is right for you?

Get your free

Intuition Guide

Tap into YOUR unique way of receiving information and have fun in the process. Learn to eliminate the distractions and boost your intuition expanding behaviors.

Get in touch.

I’d love to hear from you.

“Cameron Whetstone is a profoundly deep, beautiful, immensely gifted reader.”

Lindsay Mack, Tarot for the Wild Soul

“Thank you so much for this reading. It was dead-on, insightful, and healing, and I really appreciated how it wasn't ‘predictive’, but instead a compassionate mirror turned towards what I’m experiencing. “

Nadine Jane, Nadine Jane Astrology

“I am so deeply appreciative of the wisdom & insight you offered during the reading, and your generosity in all the recommendations in your follow up email. 

I know I’ll be returning to it and working with it for some time to come, and it has generated a sense of hope & excitement about my future and my own agency in creating that future.”  

-Heather D.

Discover more Loving Words from Clients

My Values


I’m commited to using my resources and priviledge to contribute to a more loving, compassionate and sustainable world.


I’m dedicated to ongoing learning, growth and understanding - including the reduction of harmful thoughts and behaviors.


I am committed to supporting people in their healing process - moving from pain to empowerment.


I understand that my intellectual and spiritual liberation is linked to our Collective freedom & to the health of the Planet.

Discover how I put my Values into action - here.

Thank you


